What Is the Medicare Medical Savings Account (MSA)?
If you’re eligible for Medicare, there is a new option available to you called a Medicare Medical Savings Account, or an MSA.
This is a $0 premium plan that combines high-deductible health coverage with a special medical savings account. Every year, you receive a deposit into your account, and you decide what healthcare services to spend it on. With the Medical Savings Account product, you’re given money that you can use for any qualified medical expense. No other product in the Medicare market gives you money to use for healthcare expenses.
There are no provider networks, which means you can see any doctor that accepts Medicare.
Once you reach your plan deductible, the insurance company pays 100% of your Medicare-covered expenses.
This is a very exciting opportunity for those who are eligible for Medicare. Even the agents here in our office are signing up for this product as they turn 65. That’s really saying something.
If you’d like to learn more about the Medical Savings Account product, ask your agent for more information or Schedule and Appointment using our online scheduling system!

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