Do pre-existing conditions raise your rates? Can you be denied insurance coverage because of pre-existing conditions? Are pre-existing conditions not covered by insurance? All of your questions are answered inside.
Medicare is complex – there’s a lot of insurance jargon, lingo, and fine print. And if you’re trying to learn all of this on your own… well, it’s like teaching yourself a college course with no agenda. This is often a surprise to those who are new to Medicare, but an agent can make all of this much easier.
When you start getting quotes for Medigap plans, you might hear the term “household discount” come up. So, what exactly is a household discount for Medigap plans? And more importantly, how can you get the discount?!
For many seniors and baby boomers, being dropped from your insurance coverage is a huge concern. In the past, perhaps you had an insurance policy and were kicked off because of claims or health changes.
When you apply for a Medicare Supplement, your agent will ask for your height and weight. If you’re overweight or obese, are you likely to be approved for a Medicare Supplement or denied? More inside.