Have you ever tried to find out how much a medical service or procedure costs? If you have, you’ve probably been brushed off by billing departments, put on hold for eternity, or ignored altogether. There’s a reason for that.
The best way to keep track of all your Medicare information is by registering with MyMedicare.gov, which is a personalized online portal.
If you’re a snowbird on Medicare, there are a few things you need to know about how Medicare, Medigap plans, and Medicare Advantage work.
If you’re new to Medicare, you may want to check that your local family doctor accepts Medicare assignment. We have a complete list of Decatur, IL doctors that accept Medicare.
If you’ve retired from Ameren, you may have been notified that your retiree benefits will be changing, effective January 1, 2019. While it may seem like you are required to purchase everything through Aon, we’re happy to tell you that you have options. If you would prefer to work with a local, family-owned company with a hands-on and personalized approach, you can do that.